Boost for UK tinnitus sufferers
Released on: February 11, 2008, 4:14 am
Press Release Author: BeyondPR
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Tinnitus sufferers now have fresh hope that better treatments and potential cures for tinnitus may be closer, thanks to a new tie-up between the charities Deafness Research UK and Action for Tinnitus Research (ATR).
Press Release Body: With effect from January 2008, ATR has joined forces with Deafness Research UK, the country's only medical charity for deaf and hearing impaired people to deliver a unified and focused approach to tinnitus research in the UK. It will be the first time ever that UK tinnitus sufferers have the benefit of a single dedicated national research effort and support network aimed at funding much needed research to better understand the debilitating condition of tinnitus and work towards finding a cure.
Vivienne Michael, Chief Executive of Deafness Research UK, said: "Action for Tinnitus Research has an army of passionate supporters and Deafness Research UK has unsurpassed access to research expertise and a track record of supporting high quality, high impact research. We realised that, by combining our resources, we could make a real difference to the quality and quantity of tinnitus research being carried out in the UK, and radically improve the quality of service offered to tinnitus sufferers.
"We will soon be announcing specific research programmes and other benefits associated with ATR becoming a Deafness Research UK charity"
ATR will now be based in London at Deafness Research UK's Gray's Inn Road headquarters, with ATR's Nottingham office closing.
Deafness Research UK has an impressive track record. It helped bring digital hearing aids to the general public and identified some of the genes that cause hereditary deafness. It was also instrumental in supporting the development of the Newborn Baby Hearing Test which enables deaf babies to be identified at birth. Most importantly, Deafness Research UK has been at the forefront of tinnitus research for many years and has significantly greater resources than ATR.
Apart from its major research programmes, Deafness Research UK offers an Information Service with experienced staff on hand to give advice and support to tinnitus sufferers, a research advisory panel and access to some of the world's leading tinnitus scientists and doctors.
Deafness Research UK recently began a quest to build the UK's largest tinnitus sufferer's database. Almost 1,400 UK tinnitus sufferers have already taken part in the charity's survey which aims to pinpoint the most urgent areas of UK tinnitus research over the coming years.
To take part in the ongoing survey and help Deafness Research UK find treatments and cures for tinnitus, tinnitus sufferers should log on to the 'tinnitus survey' on the Deafness Research UK website at
Significant survey findings will be published periodically by Deafness Research UK.
Deafness Research UK Chief Executive, Vivienne Michael, said "About five million people in the UK are affected by tinnitus and it can have a devastating effect on their quality of life. Not enough is known about this very complex condition and we are determined to do something about it. We are committed to funding leading edge research and providing practical information to health professionals for the benefit of sufferers."
For more information on tinnitus and research into deafness and other hearing conditions, log on to the website at where you can access a wide range of information. You can also call the Deafness Research UK freephone helpline on 0808 808 2222, or e-mail ENDS Notes to editors Principal benefits to tinnitus sufferers:
ATR becoming part of the Deafness Research UK 'family' of charities offers the following principal benefits to tinnitus sufferers:
. Increased quality and quantity of research programmes.
. More scientific and focused monitoring and evaluation of research programmes.
. Access to an Advisory Panel consisting of some of the top research scientists in the field, enabling the best assessment of potential research projects.
. Increased leverage to attract further funding for tinnitus research from central Government, donors and corporate supporters.
. A London base to help with high-level lobbying activity.
. A dedicated public helpline for tinnitus and all other deafness-related conditions.
Deafness Research UK is the country's only charity dedicated to finding new cures, treatments and technologies for deaf, hard of hearing and other hearing impaired people.
. The charity supports high quality medical research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all forms of hearing impairment including tinnitus.
. Deafness Research UK's Information Service provides free information and advice based on the latest scientific evidence and informed by leading experts.
Deafness Research UK was founded in 1985 by Lord and Lady Ashley of Stoke.
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